jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

TED: Ideas worth spreading

This is a serious website where users can find many influential videos from professional speakers on education, politics, business, and other interesting topics.

What I really like about this site is that you have hundreds of videos available to use when teaching, and depending on the topic that you are working with, you can select a different video. 
I have chosen one called "The power of passion and perseverance", and I would really like to show it, first to my colleagues, and then to my friends, and to some of my students in the intermediate level. We will all end up learning about the significance of having those two qualities, i.e, being passionate and determined.

2 comentarios:

  1. when thinking about...."The power of passion and perseverance", and I would really like to show it, first to my colleagues" shows your idea is really WORTH SHARING!!!

  2. NICK would really love your comment. He`s publishing new online e-books here http://quickshout.blogspot.com.ar/
    Enjoy learning ICT !!
